Rules of Participation
By registering I accept participation in the event and the organisers exclusion of liability of any damage. I I will not enforce a claim either upon the organiser or upon the supporting companies and their agents because of damage that could arise by participating.
I / we confirm that I/we are physically fit and mentally able to complete part or the entirety of the event without jeopardising my / our health or life and consent to receive medical treatment that may be advisable in the event of illness or injuries suffered by me/ my others during this event.
I declare that I have practiced sufficiently and that I am physically well. Event staff are authorised to remove me from the contest when noticing threatening indication of potential damage to my health.
I agree that my given information may be used. I confirm that my given information is correct. To ensure your protection of privacy your data was saved electronically.
I give permission for the free use of our names, voices or pictures in any broadcast, telecast, advertising promotions or other account of this event.
I agree to wear the HSBC Future Falcons T-Shirt and Cap provided for the competition with the HSBC Future Falcons having the right to exclude myself should I not adhere to the rules.